We ask that you please give us 24 hours notice to cancel or change an appointment. If you cancel without 24 hours notice, or miss an appointment completely without notice to our front desk staff, you may be charged a fee. Any patient arriving late for their appointment will be given the remainder of the allotted treatment time and charged for the length of time booked. If the therapist’s schedule permits she may be able to accommodate the full treatment time.
If you find you are unable to keep an appointment, call right away. If you call at a time when we are closed or lines are busy, please leave a message. Messages are picked up first thing each morning, Monday to Friday, and throughout the day. Leave a message on the weekend to be retrieved Monday morning. Do not email a cancellation as emails are checked sporadically for other purposes.
We will do our best to give you a call as soon as it is apparent that you have missed your appointment. Proactively, we try always to call to remind you of your massage therapy appointment.
While a late cancellation or missed appointment fee is generally the clinic’s policy, the individual therapist may waive the fee for exceptional circumstance.