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12 Week Naturopathic Weight Loss Program

Want to lose weight? Looking for a different approach?

Join the Spring session of the 12 Week Naturopathic Weight Loss Program
guided by Naturopathic Doctor, Erin Balodis

Start date: Week of March 23rd, 2015

Program Includes:

  • Three one-on-one consultations with a Naturopathic Doctor
  • A two week guided ‘kick-start cleanse’
  • Five one-hour group seminars covering topics such as
    • Recognising proteins, fats & carbs – optimizing the basics
    • Understanding the importance of detox and liver health
    • Using supplements to improve your metabolism
    • Addressing issues such as blood sugar regulation, sleep, hormones, and inflammation- for long term success

Cost: $375.00*

For more information and to enroll:
[email protected]

*Possibly covered by extended health insurance

Back to School Backpack Tips


  1. Choose a backpack that is proportionate to body size and not larger than what is needed. The top of the backpack should not extend higher than the top of the shoulder, and the bottom should not fall below the top of the hipbone.
  2. Select a backpack made of lightweight material (vinyl or canvass instead of leather).
  3. The shoulder straps should be at least two inches wide, adjustable, and padded. Ensure that they do not cut into or fit too snugly around the arms and armpits. Poorly designed shoulder straps can dig deep into the muscles and put strain on the nerves.
  4. A backpack should have a padded back for added protection and comfort.
  5. A hip strap or waist belt helps to effectively redistribute as much as 50 to 70 per cent of the weight off the shoulders and spine onto the pelvis, equalizing the strain on the bones, joints, and muscles.
  6. Choose a backpack that has several individual pockets instead of one large compartment, this will help to distribute the weight evenly and keep contents from shifting.
  7. Explore other backpack options such as one with wheels and a pull handle for easy rolling.


  1. Backpacks should never exceed 15 per cent of a child’s body weight (i.e. a 90-pound child should not carry more than 14 pounds in a backpack). For elementary school children try to keep the weight in their packs below 10 per cent of their body weight.
  2. Ensure the weight is evenly distributed in the backpack.
  3. Pack the heaviest items closest to the body, this reduces the strain as the weight is closer to the body’s own centre of gravity.
  4. Don’t overload the backpack; only carry the items that are needed.
  5. Pack the odd-shaped items on the outside, so they don’t dig into the back.
  6. Remember to always “Pack it light, wear it right!”

Grain-Free Granola Recipe

Here is a grain-free, dairy-free, egg-free recipe. Great for snacking, or if dairy is in your diet, on top of greek yogourt.

Grain Free Granola

Mix together in large bowl:
2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
1 cup raw sunflower seeds (unsalted)
2 cups pumpkin seeds (unsalted, dry roasted or raw)
2 cups raw whole raw almonds (or cashews)
2 cups raw walnuts
2 cups raw pecans

In measuring cup, mix together:
½ cup honey or maple syrup (honey is a little sweeter; maple syrup makes it a little dryer which is what I typically use)
1/3 cup olive oil (or melted coconut oil – makes it a little stickier)
2 tbsps cinnamon
2 tbsp vanilla
1/2 cup water

Add wet mixture to dry and stir until it’s all well-coated. Pour onto parchment-lined cookie sheets and bake 350 degrees F (or 335 degrees F convection oven) for 30 (ish) minutes. Stir every 10 minutes. It’s done when it’s all a uniform brown colour. Don’t overbake!.

Cool, and pour back into a large bowl to mix in:

4 cups (total) of:
dried cranberries,
dried apple, raisins (green ones are nice)
chopped dried apricots
unsweetened coconut chips
or any other dried fruit of your choice!

Once completely cool, store in an airtight container. Make sure it’s really, really cool before you put it away.

All measurements are really rough…you could easily go a little more of this or that and it would taste great too!
You could half the recipe and I would decrease the honey and oil by more than half.


Run Yourself to Better Health!

Co-operative support program to help integrate running as part of a healthy lifestyle

Kingswood Chiropractic Health Centre is pleased to offer a multi-dimensional package for those interested in completing 5K, 10K, Half or Full Marathons

Program starts: February 15, 2014
Goal: Scotiabank Blue Nose Marathon (any distance)

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Erica, 35

I have been a patient at Kingswood Chiropractic Health Center, both for chiropractic and massage therapy treatments for the past 11 years. Dr. Borrowman and her staff are always friendly, professional and punctual. The majority of my visits are for seasonal adjustments but on the rare occasion that I have had an injury Dr. Borrowman’s treatments are gentle but effective in relieving pain. In one instance I had been living with acute lower back pain for several months before I finally decided to seek her help. When the first course of treatment didn’t solve the problem, Dr. Borrowman was persistent and optimistic. After recognizing my pain wasn’t responding to the first technique she tried a different remedy which had results immediately. Within a few weeks of going to see her I was pain free. I would recommend Kingswood Chiropractic Health Center to anybody!

How to Optimize Sleep by Improving Sleep Hygiene

Adequate and restful sleep is an essential component of health, yet for many it is elusive. There are a number of common reasons for tossing and turning and staring at the clock until the wee hours of the morning, sometimes with an easy fix.

Insomnia, which encompasses difficulty falling asleep, difficulty maintaining sleep, early-morning wakening, or non-refreshing sleep, can be acute or chronic. It is more common in women, and the incidence increases with age.

As a first step to improving sleep it useful to look at sleep hygiene, which is essentially your habits (including your environment)regarding sleep.

Here are a few ways to improve sleep hygiene

  • Stick to (or close to) the same bedtime and awakening time. The body gets used to falling asleep and waking at a certain time, but only if this is relatively fixed.
  • Don’t sleep too much, and don’t sleep too little- research has shown both short-duration (less than 6 hours per night) and long-duration (equal to or greater than 9 hours per night) sleepers were more likely to have a depressive disorder than were those sleeping 7 to 8 hours per night.
  • Avoid napping during the day. If you nap throughout the day, it may hinder your ability to fall asleep at night. Many people ‘hit the wall’ in the late afternoon- (which is usually related to diet, or poorly functioning adrenal glands) and may feel the need to have a nap. If you must nap, limit the time to 20-45 minutes, making sure you can still sleep well at night.
  • Avoid alcohol 4-6 hours before bedtime. Many people believe that alcohol helps them sleep. While alcohol has an immediate sleep-inducing effect, a few hours later as the alcohol levels in your blood start to fall, there is a stimulant or wake-up effect.
  • Avoid caffeine 4-6 hours before bedtime. This includes caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and pop, as well as chocolate, so be careful.
  • Avoid late night eating, and eating heavy, spicy, sugary foods, or foods that are known allergens and intolerances. These can affect your ability to stay asleep.
  • Exercise regularly, but not right before bed. Adequate exercise is consistently associated with proper sleeping and mental contentment, and both excessive exercise and a lack of exercise have been associated with insomnia and anxiety. For some individuals, short bursts of intense, aerobic-like exercise have been shown to be beneficial in decreasing anxiety, especially if the anxiety is associated with emotions such as irritability, frustration or anger. Stretching exercises and yoga-type exercises are relaxing and help to calm the nervous system.
  • Find a comfortable temperature setting for sleeping and keep the room well ventilated. If your bedroom is too cold or too hot, it can keep you awake. A cool (not cold) bedroom is often the most conducive to sleep.
  • Block out all distracting noise, and eliminate as much light as possible. Eliminating light exposure is important with regards to our bodies natural ability to secrete melatonin- the hormone that regulates our circadian rhythm or our internal 24 hour clock. Even the light from an alarm clock can disrupt natural melatonin secretion. Consider an eye mask if your room is bright.
  • Reserve the bed for sleep. Don’t use the bed as an office, workroom or recreation room. Let your body “know” that the bed is associated with sleeping.
  • Practice relaxation techniques before bed. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, deep breathing and others may help relieve anxiety and reduce muscle tension.
  • Establish a pre-sleep ritual. Pre-sleep rituals, such as a warm bath a cup of herbal caffeine-free tea, or a few minutes of reading, can help you sleep. This also includes limiting time in front of screens (TV, computer, cell phones) for a set period before sleep as these can alter melatonin secretion.

If you have good ‘sleep hygiene’, and are still suffering from lost sleep, there are a number of gentle, non addictive natural therapies that you might benefit from.

Heart health and CoQ10

Heart attacks and strokes take 1 in 3 Canadians before their time. Heart disease is the number one killer of women, even more than cancer.

The heart is essentially a large muscle that needs a supply of blood and oxygen to properly carry out is function (to beat and pump blood through our body!). Over time and with certain lifestyle factors (unhealthy diet, smoking, lack of physical activity, high blood pressure, and cholesterol) the vessels that supply the heart muscle itself can become narrowed, and sometimes even completely blocked. This leads to all sorts of heart and circulation problems, including heart attacks and strokes.

Aside from the obvious healthy lifestyle choices like eating right, limiting alcohol, exercising, and not smoking, there are a few other simple ways to improve your heart health. One of those is co-enzyme Q10 or CoQ10.

CoQ10 is a fat-soluble vitamin like co-enzyme, meaning it is needed in the body in order for certain processes to occur. It affects the function of all cells in the body, making it essential for the health of tissues and organs. Co-enzyme Q10 plays a large role in helping the body produce energy. It particularly benefits the most metabolically active tissue- or tissues that are constantly working – like the heart, immune system, gums, and intestinal lining. It is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect the lining of blood vessels from damage that can lead to further narrowing and hardening. Research has shown that CoQ10 can be used along with conventional medications to help treat congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. Some medications have been shown to deplete stores of CoQ10, including; statins- for cholesterol, beta-blockers, and certain classes of anti-depressants.

Since CoQ10 is a fat soluble supplement it is important to take it with a meal that contains some fat. Good quality CoQ10 capsules usually contain some oil to help increase the absorption. For more information on CoQ10 or to know if it would be good for you, talk to your healthcare provider.

Swing Into Golf

Due to the nature of golf with its twisting motions and rapid follow-through, golf is hardest on the low back, mid back and shoulders. Eight out of ten golfers will suffer back problems at some point in their golfing career.

Golf also causes physical problems because it’s both a seasonal and a weekend activity. Most of us only play once the weather warms up and winter-weakened muscles are asked to jump into 18 holes. Plus we perform sedentary deskwork during the week combined with stressful lifestyle factors and poor postures, and then over-do it on the weekends…and wonder why we’re sore on Monday morning.

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Stretching Guidelines

Always keep these six rules in mind when performing any kind of stretch:

  1. Warm-Up. Before you stretch, your muscles should be warm. An efficient warm-up can include marching, walking in place while swinging your arms, taking a warm shower, or mimicking the sport you are about to do. The warm-up increases the muscle temperature, which increases blood flow to the tissue. The muscle fibers can respond more quickly and efficiently to the stretch.

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